Author Topic: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.  (Read 2694 times)

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Offline 78_SaltLick

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Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« on: August 20, 2005, 09:25:30 PM »
Well yep another dumb question, courtesy of your local new guy.  ???

So, i took a ride through town today, alot of stops and go's and traffic yada yada..something i noticed is that when i go into first gear out of neutruel the bike kinda lurches forward a bit, is this normal? I mean its a pretty good "chunk!" when you pull in the clutch and put it into first, and like i said it lurches just a bit forward.

And, i scared the crap out of myself. I rode it to the local hOme Depot to get some electrical tape, parked it and went it. When i came out about 30 minutes later it wouldnt start. Wouldnt even turn over. I checked and it was in Neutral, it rolled back and forth without the clutch being in. After looking at the battery, and everything else i could think of,  i prepared to call my wife to come get me, i realized something, the neutruel green light on the panel didnt come on, even though it was in neuturul. I put in the clutch and push around on the shifter a bit til the light came on the panel.....then it started right up. What the hell? Why would it matter if the light was on or not, it was in Neutral. Got i cant spell that word either. Neutural....Natural....oh hell!!

oh yeah, got the thumbs up from a harley rider today while going past him.....and got the wave from everybody going by on a bike, except...for the crotch rockets, man those guys bug me. Yeah i know its an old subject.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 09:29:06 PM by 78_SaltLick »
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Offline Dennis

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2005, 09:37:48 PM »
You have a neutral safety circuit in the starter circuit on that bike. My '75 does also.
The trans must be in neutral or you can pull in the clutch. It works through the neutral light switch. If the light doesn't come on because the contact in the switch isn't quite "made" then the safety circuit thinks it's "in gear" and will not allow the electric starter to operate. You should have been able to kick start it. 
I hope that's not too rambling or confusing.

Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2005, 09:38:44 PM »
Untill you get the idle smooth at 900 rpms it will thump/ klump into 1st.  I always wonder if it bedt to put it in fast and firm or easier and let it click a few time before it drops in,  any one know the answer to this.  I think there are more k8 riders on this forum than any other single bike.

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2005, 10:18:58 PM »
My light acts up as well. It   stays on in first. and in second it flickers a bit but is usually on. It gets brighter in nuetral..

My bike goes into first just fine as long as it is at a lower rpm


Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2005, 01:18:19 AM »
I'll bet my third testicle (thanks Raul, it's really useful) that:

1. Your clutch is out of adjustment, or has a warped or busted plate causing that "clunk and lurch" deal, and
2. Your bike wasn't actually in neutral when you tried to start it again, but in a "false neutral" between gears, and only when you pulled in your clutch and played with the pedal did you actually get it in neutral.

It might not even have been you mate, some kid might have played with it while you were in the store. If I'm right, you don't need to send me any more testicles, there's not much room left in my marble bag for a fourth one, even though Rauls was kinda small, ha ha! Cheers, Terry. ;D

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Offline dpen

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2005, 04:50:46 AM »
What you have to get used to is "feeling" the lever into neutral just before you stop.
Make sure your clutch is adjusted properly & your engine idle is faily low (I adjust mine to where I can just hear the cam chain).
Another trick is to pull the clutch lever in & out a few times before you select first from cold.
Of course you could disconnect the safety switch like mine & play russian roulette.

Offline 78_SaltLick

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2005, 05:05:31 AM »
Well, my idle RPM speed is about 1100, and i adjusted the clutch myself so im sure it is not right  :-\  It sounds like i need to turn my idle speed down, and adjust my clutch. Do i need more play in the clutch, or less?
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Offline Jonesy

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2005, 06:02:18 AM »
This might be handy info on the safety circuit...
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2005, 08:32:47 PM »
I think the neutral lockout also prevents the bike from starting with the kicker, so those 'young-uns" on their fancy bikes will be asking "what's that sweaty ol' f*cker doing to that antique motorcycle?" Ha ha, Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Going into neutruel, and going into first gear.
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2005, 05:53:28 PM »
Getting back to the topic (sorry)- in the "old days" (oh shaddup you guys) we used to pull the clutch and push the kick starter through a few times before starting- it loosens up the clutch plates.   Try it and see what happens.
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