Author Topic: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline toycollector10

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A guy who I work with was tailgated on Friday night for about a mile then rammed. He was on his way home from work at about 06.30 PM in the dark. He managed to stay upright. This caused a lot of damage to his new Ducati so he managed to get behind the guy and follow him.

The van that hit him pulls over and the Ducati rider stops too. The van driver charges out of his vehicle and starts raining blows on his helmet. He can't get any effect so he starts pulling on the visor so that he can get a punch in on his face. The rider manages to get the bike on the stand (didn't want to drop it) and gives the yobbo a quick one two that puts him on the ground.

A "ground and pound" follows. This is pretty effective when you are wearing gloves with Kevlar armoured knuckles.

The van driver struggles to his feet and drives off. His van is emblazoned with its' company name and it also has a distinct personalised plate that is easy to remember.

I don't know what the biker did to piss off the the van driver but the van guy is going to be prosecuted for dangerous driving and assault. He will probably lose his job and driving licence. Maybe do some jail time. And when it's all reported in the local paper, if he owns the business, it will probably go down the tubes.

Whatever happened, or whatever kicked it all off, it looks like the worst kind of rage. Ramming a moving bike in traffic. So f*ck him, he needs the book thrown at him.
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Offline scunny

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2008, 11:15:11 PM »
what's the company name so I can avoid him, or spit in his face
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Offline toycollector10

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2008, 11:22:27 PM »
Hi scunny, the rider didn't want it put up on Kiwibiker or any details 'outed' locally (and you're local, old son) until it's all sorted in the courts. Ten thousand five hundred members there on Kiwibiker and lots of them in Christchurch.

The knob-end should have kept his cool because he has bitten of far, far, more than any chump should be expected to deal with in the long run.
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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2008, 11:33:23 PM »
hope he rots in hell then
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Offline ekim98

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2008, 09:31:56 AM »
Sounds like pay back on this one is going to be a real "#$%*". Makes my day.  :) :) :)
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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2008, 10:14:36 AM »
We’ve all been in traffic on days when things just seem so unmanageable that the slightest annoyance triggers a reaction that we will soon regret. The pressures of modern life combined with road construction, traffic jams, bosses that treat you like sh1t and some young pool boy diddling our wives all contribute to unpredictable behavior.

That doesn’t make it right and this bloke will have to face his accuser and suffer (hopefully) the full extent of the law. This type of road rage is assault with a deadly weapon and MUST be treated seriously. Jail time should be automatic!!

There are already too many motorcycle fatalities caused by inattentive, distracted and inconsiderate motorists that the law has to crack down on it. Cell phone bans, education and a crack down on make up application while driving would be the good start to making the roads a safer place for motorcyclists. 

Kudos to your friend for administering the carbon/Kevlar behavior modification technique on that soon to be prosecuted piece of sh1t.

Step off the soapbox Jimmy

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2008, 10:18:53 AM »
If it were me, I'd push for attempted murder.
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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2008, 11:15:17 AM »
MATE!!! hope he is not in Auckland either, dont realy need to run into someone like that!!!! its bad enough in peak traffic here!!!!

thanx for the heads up, hope hegoes a row of #$%* houses.... glad your friend is ok

peace mate
you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2008, 04:44:24 AM »
some people just don't like motorcycles
trust me i know
some people just think we're all bad
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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2008, 11:36:54 AM »
It would be interesting to see the outcome of this courtroom decision.
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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2008, 03:03:45 PM »
I was once told by a co-worker, who drove a large/tall pickup truck, that he didn't feel any need or responsibility to watch out for MC riders and generally just ignored them.
He went on to explain that since his vehicle was larger, that it was the smaller vehicle operator that had the responsibility to get out of his way.

I was so stunned by this ideology, that I didn't think to ask if he was familiar with vehicular manslaughter laws.

So, just remember, not everyone shares your personal sensibilities, even when sober.

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Offline jason teamshralp

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2008, 03:12:31 PM »
should have kept punching him on the ground until the police got there and pulled your buddy off of him.


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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2008, 02:12:11 AM »
Any updates TC?

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2008, 07:04:58 AM »
I was once told by a co-worker, who drove a large/tall pickup truck, that he didn't feel any need or responsibility to watch out for MC riders and generally just ignored them.
He went on to explain that since his vehicle was larger, that it was the smaller vehicle operator that had the responsibility to get out of his way.

This is a common occurence. Last week I re-examined a fellow who had let his licence lapse. Needless to say he had not done any prep and failed miserably. When I suggested that perhaps it would be prudent for him to give other road users a bit more space, be aware of what is going on in his blind spots by doing shoulder checks and generally show a more 'caring' attitude to the others on the road, his answer was that "they have brakes and steering wheels too and should be able to watch out for me, too."
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Offline jason teamshralp

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Re: Motorcyclist is rammed from behind then the rider assaulted
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2008, 12:24:53 PM »
I have always been told by my dad that when your riding its not me i have to worry about its the other guys. on my very first ride after bringing my bike home I experienced just how blind/dumb a common driver can be.

I was riding up to a "T" intersection going towards the cross. I come to a complete stop waiting to turn left. There is a car coming from my right, so i wait for him to pass. He cuts the corner on my right doesn't even seem to see me, instead of making the turn on my left side like normal. He almost ran head on into another car that was approaching from behind me. I just shook my head and ripped out of there. I couldn't believe he didn't see me at all, or ignored the fact that what he was doing was retarded.