After spending endless nights thinking of how to mount my rearsets I think i came up with a pretty good solution. It's cheap, looks great, and adjustable too.
It's a different version of Greg's way of mounting them on a 400. He has examples on his site His look like this:

So the first thing I did was cut the mounts and tubes for the passenger pegs off. That looked much better already.
I liked Greg's idea of using clamps, because you don't have to weld anything to the frame, but I couldn't find any nice looking clamps.
I then measured the frametubes, they're 25.4 mm on a 550. This is exactly the same size as a mountainbike bar (i used to be a mountainbiker

). So I went to my mountainbike and took of the stem. It was too short, but it did fit.
Luckily you can get these stems in all kinds of sizes and length. And they are cheap too, I paid $10 for a secondhand pair. You will only need 2 stems, one for the brake and one for the shiftside. They are strong enough on their own, so you don't need two clamps like Greg's solution. A mountainbike shop will have these stems in all kinds of colours and sizes.
Get a stem for a normal bar (25.4mm), not an oversized bar.
I bought 2 identical 11cm. stems, with a 5 degree rise. The "rise" in the stem normally makes the bars a bit higher on a bicycle, but since we're using the stem "on it's side" it offsets the pegs to the side a little.
The stem looks like this:

The hole on the right normally holds the bars, that part gets clamped to the frame. The other side has a hole too, that will hold the rearset but it was too big for my rearsets so I had to find a spacer.
Because I hate fabricating stuff, I used a 21mm socket (from a Ratchet Wrench) as a spacer. You clamp the socket in the stem(left hole in the pictures), and bolt the rearset to it. If you have machines you could make a real spacer, but this works too if you can find a socket that fits good.
I used Tarozzi universal Rearsets.

The cool thing about using a stem is that it looks really clean, and you can decide where you want the rearsets. If you buy a longer stem, and clamp it high on the frametube your rearsets will be very far to the rear and high up. If you buy a really short one and put it low on the tube, they will be low and more to the front (more like the stock footpegs).
If you buy without a rise the pegs will be straight behind the frametube. If you buy them with a slight rise you can choose if you want the pegs more to the inside of the bike, or you can flip them over and put the pegs a little futher to the outside.
I'll try and borrow a digital camera and make some pictures of rearsets mounted on the bike, because this is getting confusing
