According to Brian Morton's column in the baltimore city paper, the "america tortures for freedom" act also allows the federal government the ability to arrest, and detain indefinitely without trial, any american citizen they deem an enemy combatant, even ones that have never travelled outside the country. Between this and the patriot act, I do not see how there are still folks out there that will tell you our civil rights and freedoms have not been effected by this administrations policies. I used to complain that clinton was a friendly fascist. When bush was 'elected' I thought- well at least the republicans will be up front about their economic motivations and wont put a humanitarian smile on policies that do nothing but kill as they protect high level business interests. But even out in the open, the american public will not face off with its government. A public so alienated from their governement that less than half of us vote, must feel to powerles to change the system to admit that it needs changing. this fear of having a govrnment hat needs changing is apparently strong enough to protect these weasels.
Still, the nazi's couldnt pass a law that could get them out of Nuremberg, so I dont think the bush admin will be able to legislate themselves out of international responsibility. the one thing this does show is how they have made a mockery of checks and balances- "oh yeah supreme court?! what geneva convention?!"
While we have been "bringing justice and democracy to the middle east," the terrorists have done a better job bringing military justice and totalitarianism to the USA. If it wasnt so sickening i might be amused by the irony.
I'm not
edit: one of morton's sources:,1,1031691.story