Looking around the local C-list ads I came across a 1982 cb900f supersport "project bike" for sale. I have no use for yet another project but was wondering if there may be some modern parts I could use from this bike for my 73 750k cafe project, specifically the braking system. I know that the dual brake system wont bolt right on. But depending on whether the bike has spokes or comstars (have an email in to the owner), and the condition of it, I wouldn't be opposed to just swapping the front end outs. My questions are:
Would I be able to just swap out the fork tubes, or would this require more. If the tubes are different diameter, which they most likely are, could I swap out the entire triple? I was planning on pulling this all apart anyway to replace with tappered roller barrings.
Would the swingarm bolt on to my bikes mounts? I would soooo love to have a rear disc brake, and was planning to pull this apart also to replace with bronze swing-arm bushings.
If possible to do them, would these changes adversely affect the bikes handling?
Thanks guys.