Today is a good day, today all the nights on damp concrete floors in poor light is rewarded.
Musta been that accelerator pump doohicky alright, once the clutch was back in and she was full of oil again I checked the timing (even took cam off again to check those tiny wee marks) plonked the tank back on pressed the starter and nearly flamed the fridge in front of bike ha ha ha..
A fair bit of choke (now they work properly) and about half throttle and VEROOOOOOM.
God I wish I had some pipes, it's always something eh.
Just to test her I put those ugly 4 into 1's on but they don't appear to have ever been run on the bike and they don't line up very well on the head so big gaps and lots nice orange flames lol.
The fact that it started with only half the air boots on ( got sick of trying to align them up ) and nasty cracked up carb to head rubbers indicates to me that the engine cannot be in too bad a nick.
The whole purpose of putting the engine back into the frame was to see if it was worth keeping or I'd go look for a replacement engine.
Anyhow I'm pleased

and tomorrow I'm going shopping for a few goodies that I had been putting off until I heard her run.
This SOHC board is invaluable, I mean seriously I went through every tip/hint/suggestion last night (bed around 1am).
To you garage geniuses out there, many I shall never met in far flung lands I salute you