Dear diary: progress today, tore off old 4 into 1's and mounted imported 4 into 2's, huge asthetic improvement to the bikes looks.
Was a little worried that customk pipes might not line up but all good, fitted like they were born there.
Mocked up the bike with the spare tank for some "ta dah" shots for the forum and sorted a wee wiring fault with siren connections.
Repainted the triangles that hold back of mufflers on, they came as black but needed to be turned to white to match the rest of bike.
Damn the difference between them ugly black aftermarket pipes and the beautiful row of chrome trumpets is amazing.
Front crash bar now fits too, another bonus.
Monday tomorrow and I will go see a few good car painters to price getting the tank done (family are cheap but also not in as much hurry as I am to get bike back on road)
Then it's Vin/WOF/Reg time to get her road legal and a trip to my friendly Honda mechanic to get the carbs synced (yes I know it's easy, so is bungy jumping I mean how hard is it to lean forward and let gravity take over, but I'm not doing that either
After that its ummmm a few little finishing bits, reflectors at teh front, riding lights on the front crash bars (might stay with orange so local cops don't have a hissy fit) ticket/radio box for behind rider (might be making this? haven't seen any for sale).
About then the sun should start shinning as we hit the premium riding days of summer.
Now where is that other 650 I was going to project?