Dear diary: progress today, both crashbar lights arrived by courier this week and finally got a chance to look at them.
Lights are a cream colour (Japanese white) and didn't match the rest of the bike so we (me and she) took them apart and resprayed them to match.
Pole light arrived with the under attachment missing so we got clever with rearranging the bottom section and that I am very pleased with.
Bought a metal cash box from hardware store, right size for the ticket box, Jaffa rubbed it back and bogged the handle hole, once painted it should look like the real thing.
Found some brackets at the plumbing store and have figured out how to attach the crash bar lights.
Will reconstruct the parts tomorrow and take some new photos for project diary.
Also got GSX400L running, sounds quiet and no knocks, need a new battery and fork seals before it's rideable but bike looks real good.
Fired up Custom but bike still has cold start issues to be sorted.
Ah three bikes and time to fiddle with idea of heaven.