Dear diary: well today was def a day of progress, pumped front to 32 and rear to about 35, feels a lot better and my cornering improved with the knowledge that I wasn't going to wobble in a big heap towards the gutter.
Ran bike through for WOF and REG, all good, I gotta put aside at least an hour for this even though it only takes like 10 minutes as all the old guys down at the testing station want to chat about the Cop bike, nice fellahs and I always leave with a WOF even if some parts of the bike aint quite Kosha.
Nearly ran into a Police check point on my way there yikkes that would have been a bit embarressing.
Only bad spot is that bike ran like a pig all day, 3 cylinders I think and I was having way too much fun to garage it for the day so just babied it around the place.
Off to shed now to find the problem, oh yeah and seems my battery charging bogie is gone too, must be that borrowed stator..........wonder if he really really needs that one back?
Edit: #1 and #2 came out a little more carboned than the usual but #3 and #4 were quite coated, I'm hoping it was just the fact that I didn't do what I normally do which is go out into the country for a long blast at highway speeds before going into town.