Author Topic: intro from oklahoma  (Read 792 times)

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intro from oklahoma
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:02:39 AM »
howdy from oklahoma ! im not much of a honda guy. I just picked up an old 76 cb550k that im gonna chop up im gonna hardtail it but the front end is gonna stay stock for the most part ,im going for kind of a cafe/bobber  (kinda sounds like a new drink at strabucks lol) .

                 I have mainly been on dirt bikes as i have raced motocross most of my life. mainly been on yamahas i have had a suzuki, a couple of kawis and one honda cr250 circa 1992, my street experiance has consisted of an 81 yam xs 650 that i had for about 4 years back in 89-93 then a 93 fzr600 then a 2003 yzfr6 and now i have a 93 harley fxstc (softail custom) that i have bobbed a little and that brings me back too the cb that im working on. so right know in my garage as far as bike go 93 h-d fxstc, 76 cb550, 2000 yam pw50 (my sons bike).
                I am here mainly to learn what i can and give back where i can, too buy parts and sell some as well or maybe even do some tradin.

                well I guess i should say a little bout myself - Im 36 years old been married 16 years got 2 great kids a 9 year old boy and a 14 year old daughter (jeesh shes a frickin handfull !!! (any of you that have or have had teenage daughters know exactly where im commin from) i guess im just a pretty average guy 1 acre 3 car garage 2000 sqft house you know all the average #$%*. well except for all the tattoos - ive got both arms fully sleeved as well as a bunch more elsewhere. well i guess thats enuff for a proper intro. so bye for now.........Roger
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 01:09:43 PM by RJY86 »

Offline 74cb750

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Re: intro from oklahoma
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 05:17:50 PM »
Welcome Roger,
there are several members here whom have customized their cb550's. You might search the logs for ideas.

I had a teenage daughter, turned 21 yesterday, and glad to say it IS possible to live through those teenage years. ;D
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