Hi, thanks mike for your info. I have tried using the brake lever but the pad and piston just will not move, any ideas??
Thank again, Stephen
Hi Stephen, Was there fluid in the system when you tried forcing the piston out with the lever? And if so do you know if there was any air in the system? If you had a solid lever and it still wouldn't push the piston out then the piston or pad or both are really stuck and compressed air won't budge them I'll bet. I've had one come out very easily with compressed air but the most recent one I had to pump out using the brake system after 125 psi of compressed air didn't do a thing. You could try heating the area around the pad with a propane torch to see if that will at least dislodge the pad. Do so very gently if you try this. Another option is to hose down the seam between the pad and the caliper with spray brake parts cleaner and then try pumping the piston out again with the lever.
When I had gotten to the point of trying to remove the pad and piston on my most recent rebuild I had already removed the caliper and master cylinder from the bike. What I did was to mount a spare handlebar in a bench vise and mount the master cylinder to it. I then reattached the lower brake line directly to the master cylinder with the other end attached to the caliper (eliminating the upper line and junction block/brake switch). I let the caliper hang and with the bleeder screw closed, filled the resevior up with brake fluid. After stroking the lever for a few minutes it developed resistance and the pad/piston began to emerge from the caliper. Didn't even have to bleed the system. Also, prior to stroking the lever I did spray down the edges of the pad with brake parts cleaner. Another thing to consider if the piston is really hung up (and might be from gummy old brake fluid) is to use denatured alcohol instead of brake fluid. Just be very careful using it. It is an excellent solvent when cleaning brake parts.
You can always try the grease gun method but once you do you can't return to any other method using brake fluid (the two won't mix).
Hope this helps and good luck. Let us know how you make out and/or if you figure out another way of getting the parts free.