I started riding in the 70,s.
Soon I ran into a couple brothers that rode.. a lot. Had a buddy that liked to ride , only knew him a year or two. Then another joined us.
So soon it was 5, then within a year another.
So for a few years we rode the Hell out of our bikes.. often 3 or more of that group, hardly ever all of us.
But time marched on after a while and life stepped in an we went in different directions, and perhaps got a bit more serious about life.. I got to say though them carefree days of riding as often as we liked were truly enjoyable..
So now 3 decades later, I often think back on those days..
So what happened to them?
The 2 brothers still live here in BC, we dont see each other much and dont get along like we used to..
I still live here, same town, got a family now, resposibities.. etc..
My main buddy that I knew longest, passed on spring of last year. That did not occur without an impact on me..
One of the others did not stick with bikes all that long, first to get out.. big family now, not interested in bikes. Got religious, stayed that way too..
The last of the group, was the Hog rider..only one of the group.that didnt ride other bikes.... ended up in Oz..
down under..
The bike tally, I am glad to report that four of us six, still have our bikes from back then!
3 cb 750s, all big bore.. and the Hog a 76 SuperGlide happily lives in Australia.

The one guy got out of bikes early, the buddy that passed on had his 78 XS11 basket (got it new, used it up) and a Bully when he passed on.
The 2 brothers each have several bikes, one a very nice collection, some of his bikes are in a big bike museum..
So WHAT happened to the guys you started riding with way back?