Do check for that oring and washer. But, these are there to keep the the screws from weeping fuel And to keep air from leaking in when the engine is tunning. Air infiltration would make the idle mixture leaner.
If indeed you have a rich condition. (I'd like to know how you know the bike has this problem.)
And, if you can't solve the problem with IMS adjustment, and/or throttle valve jet needle position changes, I doubt the IMS orings are the issue.
Are you still fouling plugs? Post a picture of them.
How does the bike respond to sudden opening of the throttle? How much throttle will it take before you get the wheeze thing?
I recently took my 78 K 550 carbs apart to clean the slow jets. Of course, I checked float height while I was in there. The book called for a 12.5 mm float height. Which places the fuel level higher than the 77's 14.5mm. To my surprise, the float height was 16.5mm or 17mm. This would make the fuel level lower than any spec I'd yet seen for the PD carbs. Although I can't guarantee it, I saw no evidence that the carbs had been tampered with by anyone. They appeared to be factory set.
The effect of low fuel level in the carbs would be to lean the mixture across the operating range. I reset them to 14.5mm (not because the bike ran well, even with the low fuel levels, but seemed anemic in the power dept. I had previously thought it was the restrictive pipes. I drove this bike quite a few miles with the low setting. (Maybe the bike originally was operated in a high altitude area?)
I have not done extensive testing since the change due to a back injury shortly after doing this work, and it still doesn't have a headlight to make it legal for street use. But, a quick spin around the block and it seemed to run pretty good with power similar to the older 550s. Buy, honestly the jury is still out.
Anyway, if your throttle twist test shows that the idle mixture is indeed still too rich, as well as the mid range throttle operation, perhaps you'll want to lower the float bowl fuel levels.
Another adjustment you can do is the change the paper filter to a UNI NU-4055 foam type. This should also slightly lean the fuel mixtures.