OK this is also on my project thread but need a bit of sage input to calm my nerves.
My bike finally goes but at low revs there is a terrible rattling noise which disapears when you increase the engine speed.
Sounds like um? clutch plates about to fly to pieces or a tin can full of stones shaken.
I'm usually a restorer of old two strokes and if this was one I would immediately believe that the rings were shot and it needed a rebore, but this is a 4 cylinder 4 stroke and it fires up like a strong engine with good compression (this is a guess as I haven't done a comp test on it yet).
Does any of this sound familiar, maybe minutes before Chernobyl type melt down of your bike?
Could it be (yes please Honda God) a simple carb ajustment!
I'm not adverse to buying another engine for the bike, just the rarety of CB650's in NZ makes this almost an impossiblity.
Come on, shoot me some brilliance guys.........Hush.