Just my 2 cents:
Take said money and invest in reading material that offers sensible advice about day trading, not far fetched get rich quick schemes. Everybody (me included) is tempted to make a quick buck. But there is a wealth of information out there on how to do it legitimately. Hint: people who are successful day traders a.) have a lot of startup capital to make it work (read 5 and 6 digits) b.) rely on research, experience, and
real time data to make decisions, not codes/formulas/secrets.
So I went there and started to learn about trading currency on the foreign exchange market. I got a practice account where you pretend to trade with no risk (or reward) until you are comfortable with the market and choose to risk real money.
Be aware that alot of times these "practice" accounts use artificial or manipulated data. Somtimes its legal and is hidden deep deep in the fine print, sometimes its just blatantly being manipulated and the company gets shutdown sooner or later. I will concede that sometimes it may be actual legitimate data, but having read so many horror stories, I've always taken forex stuff with a grain of salt. True, I haven't met every investor in the world. But I also have yet to meet one who has said "yeah... I made a cool couple of g's trading currencies".
Ninja edit:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forex_scamForex used to be a comdom brand
At first I thought you meant Durex, but then I looked it up. Wow, I must be pretty young then...