My '75 CB750K is probably the most beautiful machine on the face of the earth. Men on $40,000 Harleys stop and gaze with awe and envy when I roll past them. Women throw themselves at me, ripping off their blouses and offering to give me a ride if I will give them a ride. Small children cry and beg me to be their daddy.
It can be a real #$%* getting around town.
Anyway, the perfection has a flaw. The exhaust. The blemished exhaust. When I restored my bike over the last winter, thanks in no small measure to the generous advice and encouragement offered by the good folks of this forum, I naval jellied and sanded and buffed the hell out my headers and muffler, but I couldn't make them look good. The tarnish was too deep. The pits too resistant. The pipes are still in good condition, no weak spots or dents, but the shine of the chrome has joined the British Empire in the dimly remembered past. The different being, of course, that the chrome is remembered fondly.
I figured to paint the headers flat black, but there is just enough chrome left to that I figured it would only be a short time before peeling patches would leave my ride looking like it was afflicted with leprosy. Rechroming does not appear to be an option. There is only one place within 200 miles of my home that does rechroming, and the same individual who told me about this plating operation warned me about the piss-poor quality of its work.
Short of buying a new exhaust, which entails spending money, can anyone suggest a good way to prepare the exhaust for paint. Also, what type of paint would work best? What would look good?
Thanks, in advance, for your continued help.