I am paying 175... for the front fender and the two brackets
I am in Charlotte and I havent contacted them yet but a fellow Firefighter says there is a chromer over off Atando near I-85. Did you say you had some pipes chromed? I am not familiar with what is required but my 750 had black pipes and I would like to get them chromed. Can they do most metals like that? 
I have heard there was a guy on Atando, did not contact him. met the owner at Chrome East in Concord, a lot of people at local bike shops, and by email a shop near Nashville.
It's Finished was recommended by several shops. Including Iron Horse in Monroe which has some good people.
Black Pipes-As long as the base metal is solid they should be able to clean polish and plate any metal.
I am having my fined exhaust clamps electroless nickel plated. We used this process a lot on machine tools; good durable surface, duller then chrome, but the nickel will plate in between the fins as it is not based on electrical potential as the name electroless implies.