Author Topic: Thinking of trading my CB750 for a CB550.....But first...a few questions.  (Read 4185 times)

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Offline 78_SaltLick

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So im thinking about trading my Honda 78 CB750K for a HOnda CB550.  My legs are just too dang short (i buy a 29 in pant size for length) and this 78 is just so darn heavy. When i go to stop signs, i have a hard time with my feet touching the ground. for a bike this heavy, i think your feet fully touching the ground would be nice.  Anyways, what is your guys impressions on the CB550? Are they lower to the ground than a 750?, and are they that much lighter than a 78 750?  Are they a good bike? And what year do you think would be the best? I dont think they even made the 550 until 1975. Would this be a fair trade or should they give me a couple of bucks too?
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Offline Gordon

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Why trade?  Just add the 550 to your garage and you'll be twice as happy!  :D

The 550 seat is only 5mm lower than the 750, so you're not going to do much better there.  But it's probably more narrow, and that makes a big difference when it comes to getting your feet on the ground. 

It weighs about 100 pounds less than the 750, which makes slow maneuvering much easier.

Have you thought about just getting some shorter shocks for the 750?  Even half an inch makes a noticeable difference. 

Can you ride the 550 around some before you decide?  This is really a tough call.  You may end up prefering the 550, but once you've gotten used to the power of the 750, it's hard to give it up!

Offline Flood

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If that's your bike in your avatar, you obviously have already reduced the seatpadding. Next step would be to go for lower shocks and push the fork stems a little more into the triple trees.

OTOH, a 550 should be lot easier to manoever than the 750. It's not really that much slower, being lighter. They have been built until '78.

And if you ask wether it's a good bike- I could tell looooong stories on that topic. To make it short: yes  ;D

Cheers, Remi

Offline dusterdude

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i wish i had know about the lowering blocks before i spent 100.00 bucks on shocks.
1972 k1 750
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Offline Tim.

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I lean heavily towards the 550.  I'm 5'9" and 180 lbs, and find there's plenty of power with the 550 and it's a blast to ride.  If I'm correct, it has a better power to weight ratio than the 750 as well.

If you love your bike, keep it and make it work.  Have you ridden a CB550?  I've had a '77 CB750K, a '73 CB500K and a '76 CB550F, and the 550F is by far my favourite of the three.
Roule comme dans les années 70...   Roll as in the Seventies...


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The 550 is the best of the SOHCs. Hands down. It has enough power to go fast. 100 pounds lighter is HUGE. Not only is the 550 lighter, it has a lower center of gravity (oil sump instead of side tank).

Plus, 550 riders look better, score more chicks, and earn more money than 750 riders.

(just kidding... ride what you like. You can make the 750 work. You should definately be able to put both feet securely on the ground at stop when riding anything.)

Offline Dennis

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You should definately be able to put both feet securely on the ground at stop when riding anything.

In that case about the only thing I should be riding (with my short legs) is a moped.

Offline Terry in Australia

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The 550 is the best of the SOHCs. Hands down. It has enough power to go fast. 100 pounds lighter is HUGE. Not only is the 550 lighter, it has a lower center of gravity (oil sump instead of side tank).
Plus, 550 riders look better, score more chicks, and earn more money than 750 riders.
(just kidding... ride what you like. You can make the 750 work. You should definately be able to put both feet securely on the ground at stop when riding anything.)

You gotta understand that when we talk about classic sohc-4's, we're really only talking about the 750's, all the others are fine in their own limited ways, but really have no history, whether it be in racing, touring or custom circles.

It's a well known fact that the smaller sohc's were designed for lady riders, who couldn't quite touch the ground, or hold up a "real" sohc-4, or of course handle the incredible power of the 750. Buy some lowering blocks Salty, or you'll be destined to justify your own existence like poor ol' Douglas, ha ha! Cheers, Triple S. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)


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Get both! I would if I could. You can choose which one you wish to ride then. Some days you might just want to feel the power betwee your legs and you can go with the 750. If you want twisty roads, then maybe the 550.
From what I have seen, there are more upgrades available for the 750.

Offline 78_SaltLick

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If i could afford it, i would get both believe me. Im one broke ass beeatch. I dont make much money and my wife stays at home to take care of the kid, i had to sell my soul to get up the $500 it cost me for this bike, which by the way was sold to me by a really cool guy, i know hes on this board sometimes but i dont know his handle. He could have gotten twice that for the bike, but sold it to me for $500 cause hes a good guy, and somehow knew i needed this bike. Thanks man! I wish i knew what his forum name is.
Gold sparkle is the place you outta be.

Offline Dennis

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If i could afford it, i would get both believe me. Im one broke ass beeatch. I dont make much money and my wife stays at home to take care of the kid, i had to sell my soul to get up the $500 it cost me for this bike, which by the way was sold to me by a really cool guy, i know hes on this board sometimes but i dont know his handle. He could have gotten twice that for the bike, but sold it to me for $500 cause hes a good guy, and somehow knew i needed this bike. Thanks man! I wish i knew what his forum name is.

Well if that's how you got that bike, how could you ever consider selling it? Get the lowering blocks and buy a 550 when your finances allow. (see what I just said about giving a good guy a pat on the back in public? - see other post about feedback)
Anyway sometimes it's nice to have the choice between the BIG bike and a lightweight backroad burner. 

Why are you signing your posts "3s"?

I thought you had a deal to return the prized 3rd stone? A deal is a deal!
What happened? We KNOW that you are a man of your word!
Just wondering.

Offline Terry in Australia

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If i could afford it, i would get both believe me. Im one broke ass beeatch. I dont make much money and my wife stays at home to take care of the kid, i had to sell my soul to get up the $500 it cost me for this bike, which by the way was sold to me by a really cool guy, i know hes on this board sometimes but i dont know his handle. He could have gotten twice that for the bike, but sold it to me for $500 cause hes a good guy, and somehow knew i needed this bike. Thanks man! I wish i knew what his forum name is.

Well if that's how you got that bike, how could you ever consider selling it? Get the lowering blocks and buy a 550 when your finances allow. (see what I just said about giving a good guy a pat on the back in public? - see other post about feedback)
Anyway sometimes it's nice to have the choice between the BIG bike and a lightweight backroad burner. 

Why are you signing your posts "3s"?

I thought you had a deal to return the prized 3rd stone? A deal is a deal!
What happened? We KNOW that you are a man of your word!
Just wondering.

G'Day Dennis, you're right mate, I am a man of my word, but until those Hustler magazines arrive from Sunny Spain, that third nut is still mine! Anyway, I think I've gotten on to another one mate, more to follow on that one, but it's like going from Jack Daniels back to Jim Beam, "once you've had Jack, it's hard to go back!" Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 78_SaltLick

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Nah i wouldnt consider selling it, just trading it for a 550, but actually i rode it again tonight.....and im really startin to dig it. I bought some tall boots with a big heel, now my feet touch the ground full planted at stops. It runs so nice too. Heck i dont know, im only thinking one thing. Now that this bike has been fully gone over by me and the nice man who sold it to me, its full on ready to ride with no issues (at the moment). Id hate to trade it then get a problem child, id be kicking myself every time it broke down thinking "If i had my 750, id be riding it right now" ha ha. Someone offered me thier 76 CB550 as a trade tonight. I got pics of it, and man i dont know. Now that im use to the site of my bikes engine, this thing looks kinda puny. Its not as in as good of shape as my bike is now either. Has some rust on the spokes, rust around all the bolts, seat is looking kinda bad and well the usual. It has 33,000K miles on it. I think you guys are right, im going to pass and keep the 750. 750's will always keep thier value, or go up. They are a collectors item, the 550's are not. And, there must have been a reason i got such a good deal from such a cool guy, i cant get rid of something like that. Thanks for the opinions guys.
Gold sparkle is the place you outta be.


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Well, now you've ALL gone and done it!

Of all the chavaunistic cr*p....even 3 Stones is dumping on 550's - NOT ALLOWED!!

Anyway-Saltlick (care to inform us as to how you came up with THAT??).. 750's are good, 550's are good, it just depends on what you've got to deal with.

I, like you, am "height challenged"** so I KNEW a 750 would not work for me.  But the 550, with a bit of custom seat work, and dropping the shocks to the bottom peg, works just fine! ** Although,in my mind, I'm tall, blond and big B**bs! hahaha!  NOT!!)

Anyway, give yourself a bit of time on the 750 - a good running bike is worth a LOT!

So put some miles on it, and be happy!


And Terry, are you planning on being 4 Stones soon??

Offline Terry in Australia

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Hey lighten up Linda, I was just foolin'! Ha ha, anyway, in my heart you'll always be 6 feet tall and blonde haired and you can ride on my 750 whenever you want, hell, I'll sit on the back so's I can put my feet down for you at the lights!

Nah, I was just teasing Douglas, but yeah, I am biased towards the 750's, I've got 4 of 'em now, and I love 'em. Sorry for rattle-ing yer cage!

I have to give Raul back old No3, so I'm looking around for a replacement, my "other boys" have gotten used to the company, ha ha! ;D ;D ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Raul CB750K1

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As you know, I recently bought a CB350 twin. The CB750 is also big for me, but once going you quickly forget it and that surge of power is something very addictive. My plan is to use the small twin for town riding in traffic, along with my Suzuki GZ250.

Regarding the third stone, a deal is a deal. Problem is that is difficult to find the spanish Hustler. I recall having seen it before in the newsstand, but I don't recall if ever there was a spanish version or it was the international version. I can send you a spanish playboy mag, but I guess it's just a translated magazine so you can get the original version. If I don't find the Hustler I will send you a couple of spanish magazines. You are not going to waste you time reading anyway....    ;D



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95% of riding a bigger bike is riding style. I could not ride my CBR900RR the same way I rode my RZ350. You have to learn how to ride a bigger, heavy bike... especially at slower speeds.

however I am not saying tht the 750 is not too big for you...only you can make that desision.


Offline Terry in Australia

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As you know, I recently bought a CB350 twin. The CB750 is also big for me, but once going you quickly forget it and that surge of power is something very addictive. My plan is to use the small twin for town riding in traffic, along with my Suzuki GZ250.

Regarding the third stone, a deal is a deal. Problem is that is difficult to find the spanish Hustler. I recall having seen it before in the newsstand, but I don't recall if ever there was a spanish version or it was the international version. I can send you a spanish playboy mag, but I guess it's just a translated magazine so you can get the original version. If I don't find the Hustler I will send you a couple of spanish magazines. You are not going to waste you time reading anyway....    ;DRaul

Hey Raul, if you're gonna be riding a CB350 and a GZ250 (whattever the hell that is!) you don't need that ball back! Ha ha, any Spanish porno mags will do, as long as there's plenty of pics! (no gay one's though, leave them for the CB350/GZ250 set) Ha ha, Cheers, Triple S. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Raul CB750K1

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I agree with you Terry, those little bikes are no man's bikes. It's hard to go back to them after riding the CB750.

But let me tell you this. I live 20 km far from Madrid downtown. I installed a trip computer to my Suzuki GZ250. Even with the 15 km highway before entering the big city, the average speed never goes above 50 km/h. A big bike inside a city like Madrid is, like the old spanish proverb goes, "like using a cannonball to kill a fly".

Regarding the mags, I think you will not be dissappointed. I guarantee that they will be brand new, no sticky pages  _HAHAHAHA



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It's a well known fact that the smaller sohc's were designed for lady riders, who couldn't quite touch the ground, or hold up a "real" sohc-4, or of course handle the incredible power of the 750.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Terry's just like the little man with the big truck. The sheep may be fooled, but the ladies know better...

By the way, I saw a pretty cool cafe-d '78 750 down at the NOAA dock on Lake Union (Seattle) yesterday. Shorter shocks, maybe lowering blocks. I don't know how it handled, but it sure looked impressive sitting in the parking lot.

Offline Terry in Australia

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It's a well known fact that the smaller sohc's were designed for lady riders, who couldn't quite touch the ground, or hold up a "real" sohc-4, or of course handle the incredible power of the 750.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Terry's just like the little man with the big truck. The sheep may be fooled, but the ladies know better...

By the way, I saw a pretty cool cafe-d '78 750 down at the NOAA dock on Lake Union (Seattle) yesterday. Shorter shocks, maybe lowering blocks. I don't know how it handled, but it sure looked impressive sitting in the parking lot.

Ha ha, good one Doug! Nah, sadly it's the other way around, I'm the big man with the little (Toyota) truck. At 6'4" and 260 pounds, I make my 750's look small, and that's why I like my Suzuki GS1000S, I don't look too bloody big for it. I restored a 350/4 and it was a beautiful little thing, but I looked like the circus bear trying to ride the tricycle, ha ha! I had to sell it when I got beaten off the lights by a middle-aged woman in a four cylinder Mitsubishi Magna! (a truly horrible car, thrust on Aussie drivers as punishment for kicking Jap butt in WW2) Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline chippyfive50

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I have 2 750's and a 550(which is slightly hopped up). The manhandleability (yea manhandleability) of the 550 is a blast on the curves, and she's quite peppy. However, there is no substitute for that 750 ASS. I'm in love with both. Keep your eyes peeled for a sweet deal on a 550, just like your 750 and rotate!!. I have under $1000 in all three of mine,dumb luck.  and they were riders.

SOHC Member#4000
71' 500K0 #1021237--E1108327
78' 550
72' 750K2(sold to "Craig")
74' 750K4 #2306334--E2303422
73' CL175

Offline Dennis

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I have 2 750's and a 550 .........  I have under $1000 in all three of mine,dumb luck. and they were riders.

WOW What a bargain.
My 750 was abandoned in my driveway, not running, but turning and with good compression. Never opened the engine. However needed to install new tires, battery, K&N air filter, repair some electrical problems and purchase cleaners, polishes, oil, spark plugs and so on, estimate that I spent over $500 cash and God only knows the hours of labor the went into it. Remember that was repair, refurbish and clean. No painting of frame or body panels, no polishing of engine covers or anything along those lines. Just clean up and fix what's not working.
So I am really impressed that you got 3 runners for under $1,000.
I'd love to go "shopping" with you!!