Hey Badbeard, welcome to the forums. As for the ignition switch, there are some schematics available here. I know where to find some for the '77 CB750k, but not for the K5 at the moment. I'll grep about later to see if I can find one for the k5's. By the way, what year are your bikes?
As for searching, I never find the search tool on PHP-based forums, as this one is, of much use. I use google instead to search the site. Use "site:forums.sohc4.net" in the search, and it'll just search this site/forums, as in googling:
"site:forums.sohc4.net something to search for"
Electrics FAQ doesn't have links to schematics, but it does have lots of other very useful information, especially if you are relatively new to electrical troubleshooting.
[edit]By the way, we've got a bunch of riders from down your way. What part of Virginia are you in? You might want to check out the regional boards if you want to hook up with other riders your way.