So, upon recommendations of using old hard drive magnets for my home-made light trigger
(thanks, mystic_1!!), I am pleased to report back with the following updates:
I used the hard drive magnets and mounted them to my bike
(rather stealthily) for my own home-made green light trigger thingy, and after testing the setup all summer
(i.e. to lazy to take pictures and post a follow up I am most happy to report that
THEY WORK GREAT!!!Here are the hard-drive magnets I traded a beer for, from junk collector neighbor. This is three drives worth! (they were all like 500mb size or something - ancient!!!) I ended up taking them off of the metal plates - they were glued on but came right off.
I decided to mount the magnets on the center stand feet, so that I could lower them right next to the ground, if necessary, which later proved to be ideal. The magnets at the '4 o-clock' position, in the picture above, went inside the left foot of the center stand, the other two bigger magnets went into the right foot.
Here is the left foot of the center-stand - with the two magnets tucked inside. They snapped against the metal and since they were so enclosed, I just left them like that. Months later, and they are still there! This is also shows how I use the trigger, by the way. I pull up just shy of the magnetic loop in the pavement, off-center (as recommended on the Oregon DOT site). I use my left foot to push the center stand down to the pavement and then roll the bike over the loop, kinda lightly dragging the center-stand feet. It's real easy in use - easier than it sounds, actually.
Here are the magnets mounted on the right foot of the center-stand, with stainless steel wire. They were just the right size and mounted snugly on either side of the tube that runs down the center of the foot. The wire is probably overkill, but they aren't going anywhere now!
Here is the right foot with a quick shot of flat-black paint. Up underneath the bike, the magnets are now near invisible.
So this setup has worked AMAZINGLY! With just having the magnets there, I noticed some of the previously troublesome lights would trigger, but some still wouldn't - until I dropped the center-stand. When I would do that, so the magnets are right above the pavement basically, ALL lights would trigger - EVERY LIGHT I HAVE EVER HAD PROBLEMS WITH, NOW TRIGGERS - EVERY TIME! yaaaaay! thanks everyone for the suggestions and this thread.
Lights that wouldn't change for me, were SUCH a pain in the bum before but not anymore! AN EVERYDAY AGGRAVATION, GONE!