Who's Hondaman?
Who's Raul and what kind of nutso name is that anyway?
In fact it is Raúl but as you english-speaking people get confused by strange script signs as "¿" or "¿" or strange letters such as "ñ" as in "España" -Spain-, I decided to keep it simple. BTW, I didn't know my dad had a brother named "Ernesto"....

Some forums doesn't allow to change the nicknames, not even the administrators. I don't know about this one, but I'm pretty sure the administrators are not willing to be changing names of people whenever the mood change.
In another forum that I belonged to -still do but don't post- I wanted to change my nickname. The shortest way was to open a new account. I just let everybody know what I was doing so my computer friends knew who the new guy was. It meant losing the post count but I don't care about that any longer. Quantity and quality are seldom united. For the same reason I don't change the avatar. If sometimes you want to "feel special" I think it is better to put your cool avatar in your signature, and leave your main avatar alone. When people talk without seeing their faces, avatars are the only way to "remember faces".