Author Topic: Would a UNI filter on a '73 cb500 require a retune??  (Read 848 times)

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Offline manjisann

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Would a UNI filter on a '73 cb500 require a retune??
« on: June 16, 2008, 04:43:09 PM »
I am wondering if I go from the stock paper filter to a uni filter all other things being equal, will this cause me to need to retune my carbs and engine?  I just paid a chunk of change for it to get tuned, but I think the air filter should be replaced and I am weighing my options.  Also, are these hard to maintain?


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Offline Gordon

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Re: Would a UNI filter on a '73 cb500 require a retune??
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 04:50:06 PM »
As long as everything else stays the same (and assuming you're talking about the UNI filter that replaces the stock paper filter and not the pod filters) then you should be fine with maybe just a small adjustment to the idle mix screws. 

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Would a UNI filter on a '73 cb500 require a retune??
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2008, 04:56:14 PM »
Not likely for the Uni Nu-4055 filter. 

If there is any noticeable change, it will be how the throttle responds the snap open.  If you can't do about 1/2 throttle travel and have it pick up predictably from idle in 3rd or 4th gear, you MAY have to turn the Idle air bleed screws in about 1/8, maybe 1/4 turn.

They are easy to maintain.  Just get the cleaning/lubing kit.  Spray cleaner, dry, then respray with oil, reinstall.  Unless you live where it's mighty dusty, do this every 6 months.

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