I just painted my brother-in-law's bike similar to what you're wanting. Get a good 2-part etching primer. Sand the wheels...take your time - paint
doesn't like to stick to chrome without roughing it up. You can get a basecoat / clearcoat system for the paint. That way you can use the same clear
and primer on all your parts. There are flattening agents that you can add to your clear that will make it flat. Shoot the whole tank with the flatteners
mixed in and let it dry. Days. Tape off where you want the stripes and rough up the clear with some 600 and then shoot the clear with out the
flattener. Do yourself a favor and stop by your local body shop supply. Pick their brain, they can usually steer you toward cheaper paint systems that
are designed to work together. They will also have a million different paint chips to look at for color choices. I've heard of people buying paint over
the internet, but by the time you figure shipping etc your local body shop supply might suprise you.
Another alternative to painting the stripes would be to use a high-performance vinyl that you could get at local sign shop. If applied well (which isn't that hard)
if really can look like paint & you can change the stripe color out every once in a while if you wanted. I painted this bike:
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=19789.105 and the stripes on it are vinyl...fools pretty much everybody that looks at it. Make sure you get a good quality 2 mil "cast" vinyl and
make sure you let the paint cure thouroughly.