Author Topic: 77' CB750K Tranny making naughty noises  (Read 933 times)

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77' CB750K Tranny making naughty noises
« on: June 06, 2008, 05:24:24 PM »
Hey what's up,

     This is my first post on here.  I have read many of yours and have benefited greatly as a result.  The wisdom in here is amazing.  So now I am calling on you, oh great ones.  I have a 1977 Honda CB750 that I rebuilt from the ground up, literally.  This bike was frozen solid when I picked it up.  I replaced or rebuilt everthing on it, except the tranny.  When I had the engine apart, it was very clean inside, and the bike had only 10,000 original miles.  So I left it alone.  I will replace the clutch plates when I have money.  For right now, it's working, I think.  There is a noise when riding and when the bike gets hot, that just sounds like bad things are happening within the gears.  When I had it up on the center stand earlier I noticed a "dry" sound when shifting gears, and a massive clanking in the gears in between shifts.  It sounds like there is no oil in there (hollow sound), and that the gears are paying a heavy price.  I do not want to redo the engine again due to having to take it apart this time for the tranny.  I do not have the time, nor the money.  But I have really enjoyed riding it, after two years of work.  This is my first bike, and first project of this magnitude, and I would be terribly bummed if I had to end it all and just get rid of it.  Please help, in short, it's broke, and I don't want that.  Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you guys/gals. 

Offline mustangcar

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Re: 77' CB750K Tranny making naughty noises
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 10:12:46 AM »
there is some posts on drilling extra oil holes for better lubrication of the clutch plates,iam planning on doing the mod,i also did a ground up resto on my 78k,just heard it run couple of days ago,only using a little starting fuel,have to get the carbs on this week,,boy there is nothing sweeter that the sound of a750 ,sounded like speedracers old cartoon racer,i never heard a 750 before,can't wait to get it on the road,,,good luck with the tranny and keep us posted what you find

Offline hcritz

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Re: 77' CB750K Tranny making naughty noises
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 02:45:49 PM »
Hello Joey...
It's hard to diagnose a noise problem here...but I have a k7 and the tranny has always been noisy. Being dry sump...the gears don't run submerged in oil...I suspect that's the reason the are kind noisy. I would be good to let someone that's familiar with the CBs to take a listen and see if it's just the normal clutch chatter and gear whine.


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Re: 77' CB750K Tranny making naughty noises
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2008, 11:26:47 AM »
Hey guys, thank you for your help. Turns out is was the frickin chain again.  I may have to replace it in the near future.  But it is the original and I have only tightened it twice.  I suppose that's not so bad.  Thanks again for the input.