I'm finally back to work on Phaedrus II. Hard to believe 2+ weeks can slip by that quickly. vacation and personal stuff. So today, we had to clean up a bit, rearrange shelves etc. Found my 1968 CB77 seat, cleaned it and filed it away for next project, making room for current parts. It is the original and I've been offered more for the seat from restorers than I paid for the bike.

There's been a spare CB750 crank laying on my workbench for months, so we blew it apart, tagged and bagged it to open up some room on the bench. Should get my crank back from APE soon.

Dug out the rod box to ship out some I've sold and try to sell the rest.
Typed up the list of frame/swingarm mods for the machinist. Frame:
1 Straighten Left Front Engine Guard. Fill in slot and redrill at end of slot for 10mm motor mount.
2 Weld triangle motor mount onto right front engine guard. Fill in upper mount slot and redrill at end of slot for 10mm motor mount.
3 Gas Tank: cut front u brackets to allow tank to move forward 3/16”. Weld stop tab.
4 Smooth and Fill all welds.
5 Steering Damper Bracket: A. Raise so angle of damper is same as angle of lower tree. B. Move back so lower tree hits the original “lock to lock” steering stop points.
6 Rear Footpegs: Object: Footpegs mount lug welded on at same angle as adjacent frame tube. (Swept back about 45 degrees.) Idea: Turn down rod to insert into frame hole. Drill peg mounting stub to fit peg as well. Weld onto frame.
7 Mufffler Hanger: tab on bottom side of right side footpeg rail. Ten mm hole with threads on backside? or through bolt.
8 Fill and smooth backside of right front motor mounts.
9 Oil Cooler: Weld mounting strap across front of frame as indicated with template. Drill mounting holes.
10 Front Rail Gussets: Weld tabs to frame with threaded backsides per template. Cut triangles gussets to bolt to tabs and removable frame rails.
1 Remove tabs on left top. Smooth.
2 Fill and smooth old zerk fitting holes
3 Reposition brake stay mount if necessary. Remove and grind down old one, reweld new one.
A little Off Topic, my wife dressed up in costume to drive the school bus Friday morning. The elementary kids were scared and some wouldn't get on the bus at first.