Bruce took the Sunday off to visit some relatives. Left to my own devices. Got up early and took the mighty FJR for a loop around I-465. About 58 miles. Gotta get my legs back under me, haven't ridden in so long. Taking a long weekend Aug20-22 to Marietta OH. On the Ohio river, borders W. VA. Do some quality riding. Should be a 1000 mile weekend, 600+ on 2 lane roads. Its an MSTA meet. I used to ride a lot with these guys. Got away from it while on the Phaedrus project. But i need to rejuvenate the spirit. out the FJR gave me the impetus to drag them all out, and clean the cob webs literally. Blow out the debris in the shop. See Phaedrus in the daylight.

The poor neglected HawkGT:

Nearly one of a kind 5 Gal carbon Fibre tank, Corbin Seat, Ventura luggage system, F16 sport shield (not shown) gives a 250+mile range midsize sport tourer.
Futzed around with the fender. Got it to fit real nice, so that's a final for this iteration.

It may not be the FINAL fender, but for now, it fits, no interference, its sturdy and functional. On to the next thing.
Hit the brake lever with the sodablaster...nothing.

Whatever the black is on that lever it ain't coming off easily. Suggestions? I'm going for a wire brush on a drill next.
Got the replacement float and gaskets from Z1 Enterprises. Did a final once over on the carbs. Many of the jets were plugged and thick lacquer, but all clean now. They are almost back together.
eBay sales were real slow this week. Hope to get another 10-20 items on sale to build the treasury. I know I'll be needing something for the engine, though I think most parts have been bot. Maybe a 3M cam chain tensioner. I know I have new rollers, but they were bot back in 2000, so may be hard by now. Anyone know their shelf life?
Any left over money goes to the paint job.