18 deg F outside, but the shop came up to 50 so another session completed. Finished the taillight wiring. Having converted from K2 monster light to the petite K0-K1 I needed wires from scratch. Thanks to Terry for shaming me into learning how to solder and trim with shrinktube. I've soldered more joints this week and last than I have in my entire life. Hope they transmit electrons.

Cleaned up the shop and uncovered the bottom end, again. We last stalled out on the bottom end for lack of an ORing. Having bot the ORing, and a whole gasket set, we're all set. But I couldn't find the ORing in question. CycleX supplied it in a baggie separate from the gasket set. I couldn't find that baggie anywhere. That's the problem with projects that get delayed for weeks and months. Finally found it in the last place we looked. (The drawer where i usually keep ORings. I didn't think I had put it there.) So we reviewed the stack on the countershaft, at first thinking the circlips and thrust washers were backwards. But no. But time ran out. Hope to get back out and make all final installs prior to clamping the cases together. I'll wait till next Sunday so Bruce can be part of that monumental event.

Oh yeah, a couple of questions:
There is a red/white wire with a male lead on it. Where is its home? Book says it goes to the rectifier, but I don't see how.
And... why does my flasher not have a home? Doesn't matter it can just hang, but I'm curious.

And finally:
Ding Ding Ding. The Phaedrus thread now has the most hits of any Project Thread. we just passed the thread of doug_id and his beautiful CB550 cafe.
This event has an asterisk as he finished his project much faster than I will have. And to his credit his thread concluded in July 2007, but is still registering hits in the multi hundreds, month after month.