Starting with the last thing first...So the Miteyvac couldn'r pull the air bubble out of my system. Spent some time messing around with that. Towards the end of the session, we pulled the rt side caliper. I had a board, 1/4 in plywood about 30 in long, that fit nicely betwen the pads and propped the caliper up. After a few moments, i began bleeding. Heard nothing at first, but I think air was coming out. Then when it got close and some fluid was there, it burbed nicely and ta da we had brakes!
Earlier this week a friend of mine who is a rider for LSR Project 212, Rick Dorfmeyer, came by. (He set a new record in a class that had been 180mph for 24 years, at 194 MPH average, 198 max.)
Project 212 Bonneville 2010 Overview MJHHe was telling me for this year they fabbed a new exhaust. The builder was sure he had allowed enough room for the suspension pieces. But with an 18" extended swingarm the travel of the shock was more than expected and it hits the pipe. The point being when you start changing things its hard to foresee whats going to fit and whats going to hit.
So we mocked up the dyno cover with case guard on the lft and the finned point cover on the rt. Looks like they'll fit OK.
Can't decide to go au natural or finned on the lft.
The rt side fits, but the grd has to come off, probably, for the cover to come off.
We did some other things, repaired some wiring, I'm still polishing on the cam cover. I think its done then see another scratch I can't live with. We did some hand polishing on the Henry Abe tappet covers. Cutting them out of their blisterpak, first time they've felt fresh air in at least 30+ years.
I've got to get some hours in this week. We'll be gone to Freeport Maine for 10 days as of 6/24.