Received new caliper pistons from Yamiya. They are amazing. 5 orders now, placed on Sunday PM, received by next Thur or Fri!. Better than some outfits I ordered from in IL! Also got a rally nice faux or real leather key fob from Yamiya.
Also got one of the lazer cut ones from member Ray:![](
Too bad for the glare, but the engraving is very small and clear, really cool as well. I'll use one for the main key and one for the spare key. Maybe alternate them.
So we disassembled the spare calipers i found, in case we needed them for the current project. Here's a blow by blow on the grease gun piston removal trick. First get a grease gun. I use the type with a hose.
Unthread the end, leaving a male thread.
thread it into the open port of the caliper. I've been saying it would catch a few threads, but in fact, it caught less than one thread. That is enough.
After about 10 pumps the pad isout this far.
Another 10 and you're here
A few more and its done. Here's how much grease thre is to scoop out.
Easy peasy. Other things work, but now that i know this one I go here first. No danger from a flying piston as with air.
The other caliper only had one bolt holding it together and it is seriously compromised. No way its coming out without some really sharp drill bits or other implement of destruction.
So on to the calipers on the bike. They aren't releasing. I am 99.9% sure its not the MC return. The MC has been thoroughly gone thru. Turns out the rt caliper is returning. Its only the left that is hanging up. One firm tap with a rubber mallet will relaese it. So we removed the left caliper to see if the pheolic piston/ORing interface may be at fault. Brown Bomber suggested it may be the ORing channel in the caliper may be at fault.
We got it off and much to my surprise I couldn't get the puck out. It should have pulled out easily as it was new and (I thought) properly fitted. After much pulling and huffing, it came out and lo and behold, the edges of the puck were nasty not only with rust but with some sort of grunge.
In the caliper wsa also a bunch of this grunge, enough to feed the interference of the puck with the caliper walls. Beats me. We spent an hour cleaning, polishing, sanding to where the puck has a nice slippery fit in the caliper. I'm thinking this is all it was. We'll find out later as time was up.
Bleeding is a PITA, but now that I know what it takes, I ought to get to it one day this week.