Finally got a box of odds and ends for Brown's. Had to find a box the centerstand would fit in.
Took the kickstarter apart, hope I can get it back together. Its in the box for rechroming.
Been experimenting with various heat shrink tubing on some old instruments. The shiny black housing on the pigtail dries and and cracks. I bot some gloss black heat shrink from eBay hope it works on the speedo.
The tach is a never used brand new item. But the pig tail had been coiled around the tach and there it sat in a box for 30+ years getting hard in that shape. Now its time to use it and I'm afraid to straighten it out as it might crack. I soaked it in some Rubber Renew for a few days, then applied a hairdryer heat to it for a few minutes. It softened right up and laid out straight. The RR may not have been necessary, I think the heat did all the work. But the RR is good longer term I'm sure.