Polished up the temporary chainguard (picture in previous post). Looks pretty good, good enough for the Pagoda Show. Revamped the Centerstand stop on the muffler bracket. Same as CG, not the finished prodcut but good enough for now. Rerouted the tach cable, hard with the steering damper in the way. Always wish I had put it (damper) on the left side. Lesson learned, anyone reading this.
Practiced unloading and loading. Can almost do it by myself, but I'll trust I can rustle up a spotter or 2, like at the VJMC meet.
Talked to the Indpls Motor Speedway rep. I'm on the early arrival list. I'll show up at 7, Friday AM, get unloaded, park the truck outside, and walk back in to the Pagoda. Not expectiing much, just a good time and conversation. Some good pictures.