We rearranged the items in the shop and garage to fit everything in. I'd been leaving my vehicle outside so the trailer was in. But that's not a safe practice. Even in neighborhoods much nicer than ours, leaving a ar out invites mischief. At least you could once bring your garage door opener in. Now the opener is in the visor, and programmed in. So a bad guy can get in your car, open the garage door and have his way.
By putting a bike on the trailer and otherwise wiggling things around we got all the bike stuff in the shop stall, and the cars in the garage stalls. With room to work on the bike, barely.
Of the many things we wanted to do, we first worked on identifying why the speedo was hopping around in the 100mph range. BEst it seems. the inside of the motion-Pro cable is 5mm shorter than the inside of a stock cable. So if it wasn't getting up into the head deep enough, maybe it would skip at higher loads? I trimmed down the inside cable of a stocker, and put it in the Motion-Pro outer braided cable. Maybe that will fix it. MArcel speculated it was something other than the head itself, otherwise it would skip and bounce at lower speeds.
NExt was the wheel bounce, again at high speed. Had to pull the left side caliper and otherwise fudge around to pull the wheel.
On the stand it appears to be true enough, but slightly out of balance. The "Pit Bull" balance stand comes with a rod to substitute for the axle, which is not long enough to reach the balance bearings on both sides, the axle that is. But this doesn't seem right to me. The rod is smaller diameter than the axle and the wheel "hangs" from this rod. Shouldn't the axle be used, or in this case a rod that's exactly the diameter of, fitting properly in the hub bearing, and then long enough to span the distance between the balance bearings? Anyway that's what I think and I'll have a rod turned down the proper diameter and length to satisfy me. Then we'll get a good balance on it.
Seems that it's stiill wet sumping. So we'll plan on instaling one of Elan's stopper kits this winter.