Thanks for the kind words from everyone! Including those PMs I received. Much appreciated.
St. Vincent Heart Center is a newish facility specializing in Heart and related areas. My first stent was at St Vs. general hospital which is closer, but not specialized, though very good reputation.
Sunday night, I got a strong pain in my jaw, called 911, and they took me in. So I was 12 hours early for my appointment. I did not have a heart attack, still. My heart seems to give me advance notice. Many people don't get such.
I'm home safe and sound. They did install a second stent. The blockage was identified when my first stent was done, but deemed not necessary to stent. This time they did. It's in a smaller artery, down line from the main ones. But as the Dr said sometimes the smaller ones scream the loudest.
Mine was screaming. Anyway, it'll be a few weeks before I can "test" it with some exertion.
Thanks again to everyone. Carry On!