Got my 5 hours in. Spent most of it cleaning as i thought I would. My rear hub, bought sight unseen, though polished, (see last week's pictures) was not finished ready to use. It still had the spoke marks on the sides which I decided I just couldn't live with. Since my Rim is 17" vs the 18", the spokes would have a slightly different angle and the old spoke marks would show. So I sanded them down with 220 wet, then up to 400, 600...1500. They came completely out and I tried to mess up as little of the polish job as possible, but it still needs a redo. So I'm biting the bullet and buying a polish kit from Eastwood or the like.
The brake drum was hugely rusted and that took about an hour. The other side where the dampers go was really dirty and I cleaned it spotless with a rotary wire brush first on a drill, then a Dremel.
I finally boxed up the tranny from a parts bike with only 10k miles on it and sent it to APE for inspection and undercutting. The tranny from Phaedrus I had at least 70k on it and at least once i had to replace second gear as i was not particularly kind to it in my earlier life. While I may never do it again, I loved to powershift, (hold the throttle WFO and just bang it through the gears, with as little clutch as possible.). I always wanted an undercut tranny and so now i will have one. of the theme of this build is to fulfill my past fantasies. I never had a gusseted frame, now I do. Never had undercut tranny, now I do, etc, etc,.
While i had an 888cc kit, it was from Powroll and they were cast pistons and weighed a bloody ton. Now they are forged and really cool.
So to make up for no pictures, i'll tell a little story. This is a 72 K2 I bought in 74. At that time it had an 836cckit, Kerker, Windjammer, etc and was built by a shop where I worked. I stopped working there and about 6 months later, the bike showed up for sale in a used bike lot in Tucson where I was living/hiding out. I recognized it and bought it. I sold the Windjammer to pay for a years insurance.
Roadracing, touring, drag racing, 2 cosmetic totals later, I'm back in Indy. So with the new version Phaedrus I 888cc Kit, I just get back from 8 days around Lake Superior with some friends. The clutch goes out on the triip. (Did I mention I like to powershift) So I pull an all nighter tuning, changing out the clutch, farting around, and go with the same friends to pick up my blind date to spend a day at the Covered Bridge Festival in Rockford IN. We spent the whole day together riding around country roads. Then 2.5 years later we get married and 23 years later I'm typing this. She said watching my hands run the control turned her on.
Yeah right.