For better or worse, as consistent and dedicated as ... can be (I'm no match for Carpy analogies) we put our morning time in. The rocker box was polished when made 12 years ago. So much of that black aluminum residue was packed in the corners. Bruce worked on that while I reassembled the shock absorbers. Having received the tops and adjusters back from the powder coaters. Much better in black than the blue they were.

Here's the spring compressor that is simple and works very well. Can't remember where I got it, Progressive or MotionPro or the like.

Leaving the spring guards off, more of the chrome body can show thru.

On another thread we had a discussion about Monroe shocks. With some back and forth we concluded that Monroe was making shocks for the S&W brand, research indicating they were S&W design with dual badging. Sure enough, my shocks from the first iteration of Phaedrus are the dual badged S&Ws. I could have sworn they were Progressives, who ultimately ended up with S&W and retired the brand. So these shocks must be from 1980 or so, as Progressive took over in 1982.

These are 32 years old with at least 50,000 miles on them, and feel wonderful on the bench test. I've repainted them, and powdercoated the keepers, adjusters, and springs also and will use them for street use.
So on to degreeing the cam. Found a heavy gauge steel corner brace, with one bolt hols of the cam cover used it is plenty firm enough to hold the dial indicator.

I couldn't figure out how to install the degree wheel. So that procedure got stalled for further research. Since then I've bot a TDC 12mm Stop from APE. I though i could do it with a screwdriver down the plug hole, but i wasn't comfortable with the result. So that should be here soon. I think I have the answer for the degree wheel, gotta check it out.
We drug the exhaust down from the top shelf, hope to get it on soon. So hard to find time during the week to work on it but I'm trying.