Good but short session today. MIL had 90th Birthday party.
Goin nuts with speedbleeders, love em! Put em on all 3 places of FJR and finished Bleeding. Since we had all the bleeding paraphernalia out... Got the wrong size SB for the clutch, bled it regular way. Replaced the 4Way flasher switch which had mysteriously puked. Now ready for some quick trips till the snow flies. Hope to get the Hoosier SOHC4 crew together for another Fall ride like last year. If Phaedrus isn't running I'll go on the FJR. Love that bike. Sans bags.

Ordered and got a SpeedBleeder from Spiegler for Phaedrus. Swapped out the stainless bleeder from Yamiya with the SB also in polished stainless. Finished the bleed and remounted the caliper to the leg. I know its getting old, been working on the brake for weeks, but it fought me the whole way, leaks, fit, stuck air bubbles. Actually pumped the fork. Felt a little like coming alive.

The speedbleeders have a little more length to them, especially at the end that holds the hose. This is good keeps the hose in plae a lot more for the bleed. "Find your bike" doesn't go back to our bikes. But if you scroll down to the generic list, its a SB10125 for the early calipers. I think the later calipers are smaller. I just called them and they mailed me all I bot for $2.00 S&H. The local accessory shop told me they were on backorder. Hah! That's why I hate the brick and mortar shops.
Compare lever travel. Relaxed.

Pulled. Great feel.

Cleaned up all the bleeding stuff, rags, hoses, mitey vac, glad to have that chore done.
Had to quit for party. No update next week, riding to the Ohio River for 2 nights. Hope to get some work done before leaving.