Good day in the shop after a geat day on the road. The 2nd Annual SOHC Fall Ride Hoosier style. I did 452 miles, only 130 on Interstate, saw lots of interesting places I'd never been too or not in a long time. Beautiful day, Ohio River was shimmering in the sun. CBs this year, and me and IndyFour were only forum members, (love his VFR with Yoshi Pipe!) but 3 new friends were along at Indy's invite. I'll be updating that thread a tad more soon.
Today, we got the clutch in finally, torqued the rotor and cam bolt, and got all the sidecovers on, not mocked up. So the silly question will be: Button Heads: (just the 3 on the clutch cover and the 2 on the points cover)

Or Allen's:

I thought i had a late model rotor to show Terry. Instead it was this one which someone went Medieval on. No flange left at all to surround the starter clutch (maybe it was kick only) and look at all the holes drilled in the periphery, on both sides.

Back to the clutch for a moment. It takes a 4 prong wrench for the special nut. Cheap T handles are sold for this, not worth having see how they splay? Buy the black ones which are beefier and hardened.

Went to putting the coils on, electrics are next.

In another thread we were talking about alternative tanks for the CB750. I mentioned the CL450, I have plans to try and make one work on my next project. But we didn't know if it would fit over the coils. Seems it will so for the purpose of that thread, I took this picture.

Coil wires from Phaedrus I clean up pretty well. Clean on left, dirty on right.

Don't have all the screws in yet, but jere's the engine covered up, finally.