Came home from Pokagon State Park a day early. It was the wife's call and we had a good time. Homesick for her new kitty. So Bruce and I got to work this AM.
First mocked up the new cables. A bit of a problem here. And some clarification from the gallery. The speedo cable comes up from the right side but must cross to the left. Where does the cross take place? The way I've got it seems awful tight.
Then the tach cable they sent me is a good 3 inches too long, so it would loop way out. So that's got to go back.
The clutch cable fits awful tight, but that's my fault. I told them 3" shorter and probably would have been better off at 1.5" But it seems to work OK.
Then the A throttle cable also works OK, but it 1.5 in too short. I told them to go 4" shorter. Had to hook it up without the quickthrottle. Which leaves a open space on the end of the bar. Still it will work for startup purposes. Pulls and snaps shut smoothly.
Luckily if I decide to have new ones made, Bruce pointed out, we can use the current ones on the next project which will have lower bars. Or I'm sure someone would buy them from me at a discount.
Bought a clutch cover from ebay for the purpose of getting the clutch lifter. Mine would probably be fine but has 75K miles on it with obvious wear marks. The newer eBay one comes off a bike the seller said has 7500 miles on it. It certainly looks like new. The adjuster slot doesn't have any marks on it at all, indicating the clutch may never have been adjusted!
So we took off the clutch cover for the third time to swap out the parts. Feels good to have them in there.
Looking at the coils, they really don't fit the brackets cleanly. So we opened up the flanges with the Dremel so the coils would lay flat. I ran with them in a tiny bind forever and ever. So this is just one of those unnecessary steps that no one will ever see, that makes me feel better about it. Put them together with stainless buttonheads, from ACE hardware.
So it goes.