Good Eyes Ecosee............Looks like a CB77 to me but where is the motor?
Yes Ecosse and OS: 'tis a 68 CB77, as noted in my signature - "Ticker". Pull up a chair for a story.
I bot it from an elderly lady who owned a general store in the sticks of Kentucky, in 1996. ALL ORIGINAL! Her husband had the bike from new. He put about 4500 miles on it. He died in 1974, the last year the bike was plated. She parked it in the General Store and there it sat for 22 years.
Me and 3 other guys were riding the KY ridges and stopped at the store for a beverage. Berlin, KY, pronounced with the accent on the Ber.
I learned how to ride on my cousins 64 CB77 so i have a soft spot for these. After a brief negotiation, settling on $500, I left her a deposit, and finished our ride. The next day I hitched up the trailer and made the journey back to pick up the bike.
It took a bit to get it back on the road. The engine started right up. The brakes had seized from corrosion from condensation. Requiring a complete disassembly, clean and lube, and reassy. A few other tweaks and it was on the road.
Along with a rare set of Hondaline soft luggage, and my wife on her mighty ZL600, we took several overnights, adding up to about 2000 miles. 60 to 80 mpg!

But the engine was acting up, wouldn't pull full throttle and was real noisy. Cam chain adjuster was at full extension and still noisy. So I pulled it off and found the wheel was seized, and rather than turning it just became a slider and wore itself down to the axle. So I had to park it, the adjuster was NA from Honda. I loved riding that bike. Amazed a lot of people with its speed.
I found a guy Les Barker in Wash state who works on these. He put a new roller from a Kawasaki on my adjuster. Fine bit of machine work. The engine has been out of the frame since 2000, though it is back together. The chassis is white, which I've found was only available in the KY, IN, IL area. OCICBW. Anyway the paint has no primer and hence is pitted out pretty bad. All of the removable parts have been chromed/ re-chromed or finished. I'll want to get the chassis repainted with original Honda white and reinstall the engine. I got a set of repro stainless steel mufflers from some place in Oz. Stockers are slightly rusted.
So this project is first on the list after Phaedrus. It will be fun.

I have a spare engine, I thought I'd let Les build it into a Yosh type 350 and swap it back and forth.