Brief Backstory: The engine started last summer. Appeared at first to be OK. But after a few minutes, rather than reducing smoking it began to smoke more (tailpipe.)
Along with this it became apparrent it was wet sumping. This was covered several pages back. And fixed. I since also learned that with British bikes at least, wet sumping contributes to smking. So my hopes were raised that was our problem. But upon restart it still smoked.
BBB encouraged me nt to hold out for a "breakin" period fixing it. Suck it up and disassemble. And so we have. Possibilites are that the K0 exhaust guides were leaking. And/Or the valves are rattling arund in the guides (new guides, used valves). Or next in suspicion, improper assy of rings, broken rings, and lastly per Terry, the overbore was overbored.
With the head off we immediately see the intake valves have been kissing the pistons.
Regardless of the source of the smoke, good thing I ceased and desisted on running the motor further. The head is halfway to Mike's at this point. All variables, potential and otherwise, will be eliminated.
On the the cyls, they came off sweetly. Nothing like a recent assembly for ease of takedown.
Good news, no rings were broken, orientation wsa proper. So I'm glad of that. I can do some thngs right. Tip for removing piston pin clips. Insert a long #3 screwdriver in the pin. When you flip the clip out it will be captured on the shaft of the driver.
One suspicious thing though, the psitons seem awful sloppy in the bores. But I'm a layman, don't really have an experienced feel for that.
So the cyls will be shipped tomorrow. Agaiin Mike can scope that out for me.
Assuming I'll be waiting 2-4 weeks for return of parts, the next few shop days will be turned to getting our old Suzuki Burgman back on the road. It may become my regular rider, as it doesn't require foot controls and that may suit me better going forward.