Got a little bit done this weekend. BEsides general cleanup, reassembled the instruments and mounted. Baseplates held on with cute little Stainless buttonhead screws courtesy ACE Hardware.

This should be the last fiddling with the instruments.

K1 clocks/ new bodies from Lecram, bases rechromed from Brown's, K0 faces from Lecram, (no hash mark on the speedo, higher redline on tach) cleaning, recalibration, and assembly by ForeignSpeedo, (I'm repeating myself, often, from pages back by describing these, but I do so for the benefit for new readers who may have missed previous pages.)

On a whim, years ag0, I had the instrument rings powdered gold. At the time I was feeling a budget pinch. I've since scored some new OEM chrome rings from eBay. But I kinda like the gold.
Got the rear brake stay back on with new chrome and SS hardware, no pics.
Got the sidestand back on:

Feels good to be going forward again.