Today's shop time was abbreviated. Looking at the last batch of polish/chrome from Brown's we decided to put the polished speedo drive in.

We jacked up the front end. But the rear touched down before the front was high enough. So we put a 1x4 shim under the centerstand. That allowed us to raise the front more. But then the wheel would only drop down an inch or so as the wider rim hit the caliper mount bolts. Oh yeah, the front won't come out without removing a caliper.
But it was low enough we could break the axle nut loose, slide the axle out, swap the drive, slide the axle back in.

Looks good, but now the axle is the weak link. I'll have to get a spare and send it in, the axle nut looks really bad.

Meanwhile, got some fuses and got the bat charged back up. But time was running out and I didn't want to do anything else, as I had desk work to do.
Forgot to get some RTV to glue the site glass back in the MC. BTW I have spare site glasses for $2.50 ea shipped, for anyone replacing a site glass.