I'm really bummed. Had to cancel the Dyno run and the trip to Louisville Kick Down. Neurologist wanted me to get a spinal tap, which I did on Wednesday. It really wasn't all that bad, but I lost my enthusiasm for other activities and also, didn't want to overcommit had their been a problem with the procedure. Other than the "prick" of the anesthesia needle, and the fact they had to do it 3 times to find a good spot to tap, it was just the discomfort of laying there for 20 minutes.
Anywho, the "dinner plate" hibiscous went crazy this year. This wasn't the best example, it had 25 blossoms on it one day.
I'm really happy with the right side muffler mount. Saldana built a centerstand stop into it, with a hefty brace. The last one I had would bend over time with the impact of the rising centerstand.
This one is for Terry. He made noises in another thread that he may want to organize his shop. I just fell into this arrangement but it works real well. Takes about $500 worth of the wire closet shelves, braces, track etc. They can hold an enormous amount of weight. Everything hangs from the runner at the top of the wall, so there is no interference hiding rolling chassis, and sweeping underneath. And hang on the designated wall. Then I used bankers boxes as I had a lot around. They all are uniform in size which makes it look better, and draws better when you pull one or more to search, they can go back up easily as they each took the same size on the shelf. And label the end of each box as best as possible with the contents of each box. Hang cables with wire tags indicating what they go to. etc.
In each box, the items are bagged and tagged. Brackets with hardware, lengths of wires identified, if damaged, that's identified, if its a hose, its stuffed and snuffed, so it won't drip out over time.