Man, lots of time, little to see. I set up my laptop in the shop to fill my Yamiya shopping cart more efficiently. Would the wireless network reach past the 12' breezeway and 2 garage stalls? Yes, signal strength "good".
So from last Yamiya order, we have the fender "corn" to install, rubber bumber that the license plate may contact.
Hole had a nasty burr on the inside so we ground that off:
Pushed it through from the backside. Ta da!
For those who don't already, knee pads really help the process:
Been soaking the fork legs in solvent for a week.
Spun out all the studs. I was fearful, they came out easily. Had to take them out to send the legs to the Cryo people. Was told the difference in expansion coefficients might break the lower legs.
Now that its gold and it all shows up, I am amazed at how much birdsh!t I left behind on the old welds, I thought I got it all, but it just doesn't show up in black. Same for smoothing the welds, I can't believe how much I missed. I guess i wasn't very methodical. Nevertheless, its a lot better than stock and no one will know but me.
So I filled the Yamiya cart with things: wiring harness, grommets, shoulder bolts, sprocket, etc. I hate ordering parts casuse just as soon as I do, I find them cheaper somewhere else. Time comes to just do it and get it over with. Win some and lose some. Yamiya has some oddball stuff I needed so i just got iot all from them this time.
I ran several speed calculations with this calculator. liked the performance I had with 17/48 sprockets and a 110/90/18 rear tire. With the 140/70/17, I find I'll need a 18T CS sprocket to maintain the ratios.
Good acceleration, top speed about 129 @ 8000rpm. Probably a little higher if engine will pull it.
Bot a cam chain, adj sprocket and cam from APE. It's 360 lift; 250 duration. Bottom of the line WebCam. I'm not going for max out here, just something to open up the breathing with the carbs, head, and pipe. Keep the redline about stock as far as power is concerned. Its capable of much more.
Filling a box for the Cryogenics people: primary chains, cam chain, cam, and sprckt; rockers, lower fork legs, tranny, drive sprockets, anything else i can think of. As much for slickeriness as strength.