Thanks Terry. Slow and steady...
So today was another good day. We searched for some parts some people indicated they would buy. (Check the classifieds for my stuff for sale later today) I'm always interested in selling stuff when I can. Over the last year+ I've sold about $1500 worth of stuff and some of it was way too cheap. Nevertheless its gone to good homes and every penny went back in the project. After so many years of a bulging shop, I actually have some space opening up on the shelves, feels good.
RaceTech called and said my rear wheel brakes are done and they've shipped it back, though its not here yet. I had the brake "arced", a lost but revivng art to maximize a drum brake. Some say it rivals a disc after this is done. I expect that's relative to one time max stopping power, though fade resistance and progressive feel is improved, I doubt its as good as a disc, but its much better than a non-arced drum brake. bot a centerstand from a forum member, I'm thinking I'll need to cut one down due to my 17" wheels.
So we dove into the forks. Pulled the dampers off the shelf and went to clean them. In chasing the lower bolt holes we discovered that the inside of the dampers were full of drud. Now I know I wasn't the best at changing the oil, but i did and flushed them. But upon studying the way this goes together it became obvious that one simply can't get these clean without disassembly. And you know, the parts fishy and the manuals do not even acknowledge (on a K2) that these parts exist and are removable.
So it took extra time to bottle brush these clean. See the big gobs of goo that came out.

Now perfectly clean:

Parts laid out for assembly

Green coating is industrial teflon.
I have 2 of the top bushings, brand new with teflon coating for sale.
Discovery that seals I bot are wrong OD.

These were bot 10 years ago. I knew better, that I was using the old style small OD fork legs. These are probably too old to use anyway. Anyone want them? Free + S&H.
Also, CB350F, late CB750 style (long) oilfilter bolt with oversize hex. $10 + $5S&H

So I'll order the proper seals and finish the forks next week. Maybe reinstall rear and install front wheels. Now that would look good.