Hope everyone had a great Holiday with another to come. We had 4 days in a neat cabin 1.25 hrs away from Indy in the Artist Colony known as Nashville IN. Its a hilly backwoodsie part of the state that is popular for...artists. And campers, hunters, motorcycles (in season). Better to rent someone elses cabin, leave them with the headache part.
Now on to today, and man what a bust! More questions raised than answered. We firs twithdrew the legs from the triples to install ORings under the dust covers. These old forks came with accordian type covers. When replacing with dirtbike style none will fill the groove fully in the lower leg. Believe me I've looked. No problem with later legs as many came that way.
So someone suggested putting an ORing in the roove first (Mystic?) and that works pretty well.

Then we measured the travel fork travel for placement of the tweak bar. But discovered the left side goes 5.75" and right only 4.75" as indicated by where the zip ties ended up at the top of the stroke.

What's up with that? Guess I'll have to disassemble. A snapring must have slipped, or sumpin.

(Springs and oil are not in yet)
So in putting the front axle together, we discover I have laced the rim to one of the narrow hubs. What's up with that? I never even knew there were 2 different hubss, till reading about it here from HondaMan. When I had this wheel built in 2001, I just sent a hub to Buchanans, origin unknown. But the hub, measured from the disc flange on each side is 4mm narrower than the wider hub. The narrow hub being an early pre-K0 deal. I'm sure i should have a wide hub for my discs to space correctly.
Anyone need a narrow hub?

Disc bolts show the difference.

But I laid out the axle stack. Here's the modified speedo drive (left) vs the ground down piece I used for ages v stockers which look like they might work but are too big.

But the final disappointment came when fitting up the brake brackets. The 17" wheel is offset to the left due to the wrong hub I assume, but worse there is not enough room for the lft bracket. Even if I shift the rim to the right (centering it) there still won't be enough room to get the bracket bolt in, and the right side gets real chummy.

So now what? Relace a 2.15x17, or safer a 2.15 x 18? Anyone want to buy a 2.5x17?
Seems I still have another K0 or earlier front axle. Anyone want to buy?

According to Terry, the solid ones are the early ones.
So, at least I got the fluorescent lights running again, took 6 4ft bulbs.