Yahoo! 3 freakin degF! But, with enough clothes and some decent heat we put in our time...sort of. I'm shooting for 5 hours per week. Usually I want that to be shop time, time on the computer doesn't count. But this week....
Sold several parts during the week, with leads on more, gotta build up the coffers...
Anyway, I got to Cycle Outfitters to remove the front tire yesterday. I just can't do that with tire irons anymore. And with their machine the rim is never scratched. Which is important now that it seems I'll need to go with a 2.15x18 vs the 2.5x17 I tried out for. And sell the 2.5 x 17" rim
A 2.15 will still hold a 110/70 properly so I'll be satisfied with that. Phone calls to Buchanans Monday as they've been closed for the Holidays.
For today, we had to tackle why one fork leg would travel more than the other. Removed the legs from the trips and disassembled.

Nothing obvious, just trial and error. So here's what we found. I had thouroughly cleaned the lower legs (I thought). The damper rod is not listed in the parts books nor covered in any manual. But when i wanted to have the lowers Cryogenically treated, the tech told me to loosen the studs and the bolt that hold the damper rod in as they are steel and will expand/contract at a different rate than the aluminum leg. So I figured well if i have to loosen them I might as well take them out. Lo and behold the dampers were packed with ages of crud, so i'm glad for that. Got them squeaky clean.
(I forgot to get a picture with the damper rods out)
So now upon reinstall, there must be just enough play in the damper rods to interfere with the full travel of the fork. We reinstalled the dampers tightening the bolts almost tight. Then installed the tubes to full compression and finished tightening the dampers. Now both legs travel equally to full extension/compression with no interference.

Finally, I was suspicious that the Forks from Frank's legs were longer than the 2" over I ordered as there seemed to be a lot of free leg under the lower trip. But as the tape in above pic indicates they are 25", exactly 2" over the stock 23", so all's well.
With 1.25" above the top trip, that leaves .75 below the bottom trip, which is just enough to make up for the smaller diameter wheel, depending on the tire aspect I end up with. There's just a lot of free leg under the lower trip, even on a stocker.

So, during this week, I'll blow the 17" front wheel apart, sell the pre k1 hub (maybe to Terry) and the 2.5x17 rim, polish up the Phaedrus 1 hub for reuse, new bearings, and order the 18" rim and spokes from Bucahanans.
Bit by bit...
PS: for you CB750 guys, ever notice how far off the left and rt footpegs are from each other? With the engine its hard to see, but without it, its pretty obvious.
PPS: I had a nightmare last night that it was all together and on start up the headcheeze leaked oil all across the backside of the gasket like a waterfall. Yikes!