Sunday AM at church: Using this classic panel beaters tool, we flattened out some wavy areas of the used fender.

The fork brace clamps needed some more relief for the fender to snug up.

Almost finished, need to score the hardware but the placement is good. The leading edge was where the wavys were, now its virtually undetectable.

The carbs have some soda impacted in nooks and crannies. You can see here in the far left upagainst the slides. So that took some air pressure and wooden picks to dislodge.

Started popping off the float bowls. Seems I didn't drain them 15 years ago? Awful lot of varnish. This is the worst, the 2 outsides were nearly clean.

The carbs were standing on their heads, with the floats nearby. They tipped over and the throat of one intake landed on the float and put the neatest curved dent in the float.

Z1 Enterprises has replacement parts, thank goodness. I don't think the 29 Smoothbores are being made anymore?
We got the sodablaster out and made quick work of the varnish. No toxic chemicals.

So now I have some questions. On Phaedrus I, I used these 29mm Smoothbore Mikunis. My memory is that they worked wonderfully. I haven't laid eyes on them in nearly 15 years. Now that I'm working on them, I see no way to synchronize them. I can't say for sure I ever did. Does anyone have experience with them?
PS: I've been selling a lot of stuff on ebay to build up the treasury. Takes time.