Made more headway this week. First was to resolve an issue with Brown's over a float bowl. They broke one of my bowls and bent over backwards to make it right. After calling me and asking for clues as to where they could get another bowl, I told them I thought they (VM29 Smoothbores) were used as standard on some kawasakis, post Z1. They found a place in California that supplied a float bowl. However, it was not exactly correct as shown:
Mine has the Hole and the extrusion:

Axel at AC did the best he could based on the description from Brown's. So I talked to Axel and after seeing mine, he says mine had the hole, and the extrusion, to accomodate a fuel pump, which I don't have. In fact my bowl gasket closes off the hole, making it obvoius its not needed. So I'm proceeding with the idea I'm OK.
Installed the sidestand, pictures show the aluminum flashing I used to expand the spring coils for removal and replacement.

This picture shows the difference between the new Brown's chrome and the 30 year old chrome on the spring and centerstand. You can't really see that big of a difference in low light, but the flash really brings it out.

With the bike on its wheels, the pad on the stand, which was welded on by eye, comes real close to being the best angle to be expected:

The brake lever fit nicely. Brown's actually remove some material from the lever so that the chrome won't end up binding the lever. The top came out real nice. The body is the natural color after the sodablasting. They couldn't plate it with the site glass in. So a quandary. I'll wait and make sure the cylinder will activate the brakes properly, and if so, remove the cylnder, have the site glass removed and filled in then plate it all.

I couldn't find the pivot bolt, I could have sworn I left it out where i would easily find it. Spent at least an hour looking for it. Left the shop, came back, looked where i thought I'd left it, and there it was. Dang.
The clutch lever was a little tight so we opened up the switch with Dremel, and it fits nice now.

The goal here is to get all the loose parts in their place by installing them or filing them away, before taking the sheet off the engine and get back to work on it for real.