I'll start where the last update left off. the countershaft bearing holder would not push up flush to the cases.

The bearing in the holder stands out a little proud. Turns out this is OK. Picture is of a bearing holder from a parts bike, bearing never removed.

So my only thought was that the bearing in the crankcases wasn't seated. If so, that can't be fixed from the outside, so the cases had to come apart.

The bearing appeared to be seated in the cases. Maybe, being new, it was wider than stock...somehow. But that was not true either.

The new bearing has a groove in it but that's just to make it work for more applications. Not material. On that end of the shaft there are 2 gears which must be removed to insert the shaft into the cases, then they are reinstalled on the shaft. The outboard gear is symetrical both sides equal. The 2nd gear in...turns out the offset of the interior is different from one side to the other. I had it in backwards. This is the deep side:

This is the shallow side:

Reassembled and the CS bearing holder snugs up against the cases.
While we're at it, the center shell in the lower case picked up a deep scratch, how I'll never know:

So I'm in need of one brown shell.
While we are at it, i seem to remember someone had an opinion about the primary chains. Should the links be matched side to side like this?

Or offset like this?

or does it matter?
Meantime, I'll order a new shell and ponder where that scratch came from. We removed the crank and looked all around. Any debris would've stuck in the assy lube, its sticky. But nothing.